Yoga : Types ,Benefits , Asana

 Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person’s mental well-being. “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration.”

Types of Yoga

There are mainly four types of yoga.  These four paths are like the branches of a tree or tributaries of a river.

They are :

  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Rāja Yoga
  • Jñāna Yoga

Karma yoga is the yoga of action. It’s about purifying your heart by learning to act selflessly in service of others. Through karma yoga we learn kindness and compassion without an expectation of gain. The idea being that learning these lessons helps us to step away from our ego, freeing us to move one step further on the path to enlightenment.


Bhakti means “devotion” or “love” and this path contains various practices to unite the bhakta (Bhakti Yoga practitioner) with the Divine. Bhakti Yoga is considered the easiest yogic path to master and the most direct method to experience the unity of mind, body, and spirit. While Hatha Yoga requires a strong and flexible body, Raja Yoga requires a disciplined and concentrated mind, and Jnana Yoga requires a keen intellect, the only requirement for Bhakti Yoga is an open, loving heart.


Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds. It is a meditation without rituals or mantras and can be practised anywhere at any time. Raja Yoga meditation is practised with ‘open eyes’, which makes this method of meditation versatile, simple and easy to practice. Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.


Jnana yoga is the path of ‘doubt-free intellectual knowledge.’ It is the study of the texts of Self-Realization and a deep inquiry into the nature of who we really are. This enables us to understand all the subtle nuances of the mind, its attachment to sense-objects, and how these create the veils of Avidya (ignorance/forgetfulness).

Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of yoga are well-known: flexibility, less stress, and injury prevention. Yoga develops inner awareness. It focuses your attention on your body’s abilities at the present moment.It is also beneficial for :

  • Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility. …
  • Yoga helps with back pain relief. …
  • Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms. …
  • Yoga benefits heart health. …
  • Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better. …
  • Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods. …
  • Yoga helps you manage stress.

Benefits of Yoga : Men

  • Improve your heart health .
  • Helps manage the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Can improve your sex life.
  • Supports testicular cancer survivors.
  • Improves your mental health.
  • It’s not competitive.
  • You can build muscle.
  • Delays the onset of alzheimer’s disease.
  • Helps with injuries.
  • Helps with sleep apnea.

Benefits of Yoga : Women

  • Helps during pregnancy and labor.
  • Improves your sex life.
  • Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Improves symptoms of the menopause.
  • Benefits for women undergoing breast cancer treatment.
  • Helps those coping with gestational diabetes.
  • Improves heart health.
  • Delays the onset of alzheimer’s disease.
  • Improves back pain.
  • Helps with the symptoms of anxiety.

Yoga For Beginner’s

If you’ve never done it before, yoga can feel intimidating. It’s easy to worry about not being flexible enough, in shape enough, or even just looking silly.This sequence is the foundation for sun salutations. If you take any Vinayasa or flow class, you’ll most likely be working through this basic sequence.

Five basics poses asana for learners :

  • Tadasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Balasana


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